My thoughts on 'water'

Many articles have been written on water, but today I am revealing  my thoughts on 'water'

My thoughts on 'water' 

Water is considered to be one of the five elements (air,fire,sky,land,water) from which the life is created. it may be none of our business or we should have already known that the chemical formula of water is H2o, meaning 2 molecules of Hydrogen and one molecules of oxygen. You will amazed to know that both Hydrogen and Oxygen are themselves very very inflammable gases but their combination in one part Oxygen and 2 parts hydrogen yields Something which is obviously opposite of the fire, i.e water. What do we learn from this phenomenon? Ask yourself. It is not a Chemistry articles ha ha ha, let us dive into 'water' more deeply.

If I ask you, what is water for you? You would probably say, it is a on. it's  a "Thirst Buster". It is the compound from which we bath and I would say Bravo! you are right still, water holds much more meaning than that. 

The greatest mistry with us is we have taken water for granted. Is it so? I don't know ask yourself if you want to know. You may or may not have taken and if you have don't worry because it didn't matter because you can not change that but it does matter beacuse you can now change yourself. You can start right now! Simply with a "thought's of change" and belive me GOD will be so proud of YOU! Do you know that "Your brain is 70% water", Yes ....... Most of you don't know, but did you know if you work out straight for 45 mintues and sweat, Your brain would be one year old bcause you lost water. 

Save water, Save life

We become so busy in our daily lives that perhaps we remember to drink water. There are a handful of apps in Play store and App store (I know we cannot take apps in hand) which are there only only just to remind you to be hyrated. Water itself is a great 'purifier'. It remove all sort of toxic substance from our body, Just as a daily shower is needed for our outer body. It is a requisite for our internal body too.

It is said that growing your own food is like growing your own money. Don't you want to know what happens when we save water? I have also read somewhere that probably water is another dimension in which we can breathe but just like space but fly. who knows?? 

In this much greater abundance of water, What would you tell me if I asked you what is the value of water. A man who is in desert in search of water or let us say 'Bear Grylls' would say that he had found that Elixir if water ever encountered him. Let us 'drinking water' more and more and 'save water' more and more and above all let us not take it for granted and thank God for he created water and this world. Let us take a moment and that's was My thoughts on 'water'

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Article by Harsh sain 

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-Prashant Singodiya 😄

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